# Hello World

Published 2020-09-13

# Hello World

Hello dear fellows,

My name is Flo, I'm curious, and I am like a chameleon, because I like to wear my clothes in many colors and in all shapes. So I'm the Curious Chameleon 💁‍♂️
I have a brought spectrum of interests from Tech, flowers, DEI, cooking, philosophy, finance, and economics.

Recently, I read the book Show your Work! by Austin Kleon, about self-promotion and digital presence. This resonated with me, because I want to add something to the world that may be helpful to others. So I came up with the idea of a blog, but with a longer format mixed in between.

Over the years, I made so many notes in my note-taking app.
Currently, around 1000 markdown fields with about 1 Mio. words.
I reached a point where these notes are my second brain.
These notes are alive, they get edited regularly.
No screen grabbing or snipping.

So my goal is to post once a week on this blog while polishing up my notes on certain topics and posting them as chapters on my Thoughts tab. I'm working in the IT and OT Security space, so you will notice that my articles will probably be more on a technocratic site.

I will start off with a take on Data Driven Company's.

Feel free to write me a message on LinkedIn or through the contact below for questions and suggestions. 😉