0's and 1's follow me
I'm not a software Engineer, nor do I have a formal education in coding or programming.
First, I dipped my toes into programming at the age of 14.
Why? Because I wanted to cheat at a Computer game, what else?
It was an online game called Space4k it was in 2005.
I got my hands on some PHP cheat scripts, do not ask me what day did back then, but I wanted to figure it out, so got myself a Book from the Library about PHP.
I did some HTML/PHP websites at that time for school and stuff.
Later at my Electrical Apprenticeship I had to learn some C and an Asm style Languages called AWL by SIEMENS.
Followed by C# style SCL also by SIEMENS.
While in my studies to become an Electrical Engineer I learned some Python, SQL, and PowerShell.
I finished my Electrical Engineering Degree, but never really worked in that Field. I took a Job as an IT/OT Systems Administrator and Project Manager.
There I had to do some PowerShell, Bash Shell, Python, Ansible…
In 2017, I switched to a Cybersecurity focused role in IT/OT.
At the end of 2020 switched again to Cybersecurity Focused role in IT.
There I had to do a lot of DevSecOps type work around Splunk, Cribl, Gitlab…
As you can see, Coding followed me more than half of my life.
So everything I right here is self-taught,
it works for me but may be not be the Textbook way of doing things.
Let's explore some concept's.
I would be really happy to engage in a conversation, if you spot an error on the way, please let me know!