Foremost, what the hell does coding really means?
What are the differences in:
- Programming
- Software Engineering
- Coding
The Britannica defines Programming as:
computer program, detailed plan or procedure for solving a problem with a computer; more specifically, an unambiguous, ordered sequence of computational instructions necessary to achieve such a solution.
So a Programmer seams to be a person like an "assistant" to put the instruction in the right order...
Software Engineering
I found that definition on Bulitin.com
With knowledge of advanced mathematics and the scientific method, software engineers are responsible for the big picture; they evaluate client or company needs in conjunction with those of the user and methodically conceptualize a systematic solution. Engineers also require a strong programming background to be able to communicate with programmers effectively.
Ok so the Engineer is like an Architekt for software, while the Programmer is more of a Tradesman who builds the Wall's and Paints everything nicely.
Also in some countries your legally required to hold a degree in Software Engineering to call yourself that. In some others, the requirements are looser but still, usually you have to have a degree in a related field.
So does Coding and Programming then is the same thing?
I thought about this for a while.
Until I watched this Talk by Seth Vargo a Developer Advocate at Google
Codification; capturing a process, routine, or Algorithm in a textual format. (Verb)
At that talk, Seth points out why coding is so important.
So yes and no, coding could be considered to be everything that captures to text.
While Programming is usually a more Computer related task.
I.e. Put the Code into THIS specific computer.
This was possible true for the old times with Mainframes and stuff where Sciences at Universities punched "Experiments" on Punchcards.
Then another "Operator" or Programmer put the Experiment into the mainframe and set everything up, hands out the results hours later.
Coding is more Dev, while Programming is more Ops.
But now everybody is doing DevOps and Cloud... So I argue you can use these two words interchangeably.
So then let's have a deeper look at Codification, DevOps, XaC, IaC and all the stuff.